
6th grade core classes include two periods of English language arts and one period of Social Studies.
ELA standards address: Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development, Reading Comprehension (Focus on Informational Materials), Literary Response and Analysis , Writing Strategies, Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics), Written and Oral English Language Conventions, Listening and Speaking Strategies, and Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics).
Social studies/history includes the study of World History and Geography: Ancient Civilizations. Students in grade six expand their understanding of history by studying the people and events that ushered in the dawn of the major Western and non-Western ancient civilizations. Geography is of special significance in the development of the human story. Continued emphasis is placed on the everyday lives, problems, and accomplishments of people, their role in developing social, economic, and political structures, as well as in establishing and spreading ideas that helped transform the world forever. Students develop higher levels of critical thinking by considering why civilizations developed where and when they did, why they became dominant, and why they declined. Students analyze the interactions among the various cultures, emphasizing their enduring contributions and the link, despite time, between the contemporary and ancient worlds.
For more information about the subject(s) curriculum, click HERE
Pencil pouch for binder
Binder paper
8 set dividers with pouches (teacher will break down LA section after school begins)
4 BIC ball point colored pens: 1 black, red, green and blue
Pencil sharpener (with clear pouch to get rid of scraps)
Markers and colored pencils for projects
Glue stick
Small scissors
Book for daily SSR (silent sustained reading)
Wide ruled composition book (black and white)
1 DURABLE binder with clear plastic cover
1 (2 part) homework folder
NO SPIRALS (each teacher has their own, specific preference)
Ask you child to designate a spot in their room for the school papers that they want to keep but don’t want to carry in their binder everyday. Overstuffed binders tend to break and lead to disorganization. These items kept at home might include old tests, notes and projects completed earlier in the year.
Consider going through your child’s binder weekly and help them purge unnecessary items to keep their binder organized and manageable. Once they get the hang of it, they can do it on their own.
Encourage your student to punch holes in their handouts/work and put it in the proper spot in their binder. They may need a hole punch on their desk at home.
Check to see that they are using their Daily Planner for ALL their classes. Look for project due dates, test/quiz dates and daily assignments.
Weekly Checklist for Parents
Is your child using the daily planner?
Is everything being clipped in the correct section of their binder?
There shouldn’t be piles of papers in any of the pockets within their binder.
Do they have blank paper in each section for notes/work?
Are they using the two sided folder for homework TO DO and COMPLETED homework?
Are they keeping track of their basic pencils/pens?
Check their backpack to make sure it’s not filled with old work.
Ask them if their school locker is clean.
Do they have a place in their room where they can put ‘old’ work that no longer need in their binder?
Kelly Cavallero
Core Teacher
John Dewes
Learning Center Teacher
Lindsay Garrity
Core Teacher
Core Teacher
Leslie Muldoon
Core Teacher
Core Teacher
Leann Nixdorff
Core Teacher