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6th Grade

Music JM Cadet Band: Open to all students. Year long course. No experience required. Emphasis on Posture, Tone, Rhythm, Notation and Literacy. Level 1.0 -1.5. Students will learn to create in a large group setting. Students will need to choose between Woodwind (Clarinet, Flute,) Brass (Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium), and Percussion (keyboard and drums). Instruments will be chosen using input from the student, the instructor, and the parents. Students with experience on these instruments are encouraged to be section leaders in Cadet Band, but may also audition for Advanced Band. Up to the teacher’s discretion. Students are expected to attend two after school, and two in school performances. Students are expected to Practice/Learn their instrument up to 90 minutes per week outside of class. JM
Beginning Strings: Open to all students. Year long course. No experience required. Emphasis on Posture, Tone, Rhythm, Notation and Literacy Grade 1.0 -1.5. Students will learn to create in a large group setting. Students will need to choose between Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass. Instruments will be chosen using input from the student, the instructor, and the parents. Students with experience on these instruments are encouraged to be section leaders in JM Strings or audition for JM Orchestra. Up to the teacher’s discretion. Students are expected to attend two after school, and two in school performances. Students are expected to Practice/Learn their instrument up to 90 minutes per week outside of class.
Chorus : Year long course. Chorus is open to all students who are interested in learning how to sing. Auditions are not required, and no prior experience is necessary. Students will learn techniques to improve their voices, note and rhythm reading, performance skills, and self-confidence. A wide variety of music will be performed. Chorus will have several concerts during the year and possibly a weekend festival. Performance attire is required. Repetition of this elective is strongly encouraged to maintain and build on skills and quality!
Exploratory Wheel: Year long course. The wheel is a survey class which rotates 4-5 times through different subjects such as Computers, Earth, Study Skills, Music, Creative Writing, and other possible topics. This format allows students to sample a range of possible electives for their next two years at JM.
7th/8th Grade
The Elective Course Descriptions Packet provides a brief description of elective courses offered to 7th and 8th grade students.  (Courses may change based on enrollment and/or district budget.)  Rising students choose their electives in February.  6th Grade Elective Information will follow in late February.  If you are a new student enrolling during the school year, you will sign up for electives at your registration meeting.
ELECTIVES  2025-26
  • Cadet Band
  • Intermediate/Advanced Band
  • Beginner Strings
  • Intermediate/Advanced Orchestra
  • Chorus
  • Guitar
  • Art/Ceramics
  • Drama
  • Coding/Robotics
  • Magic of Electrons/Design and Modeling
  • Math Competitions
  • Foods
  • Debate & Public Speaking
  • Yearbook Design
  • Journalism
  • Team Sports
  • French 1a & 1b
  • Spanish 1a & 1b
  • Mandarin 1a & 1b
  • Leadership (8th Grade Only)
  • Office Aide (8th Grade Only)
  • Library Aide (8th Grade Only)