Attendance and Absences
The state does not differentiate between “excused” and “unexcused” absences. Schools receive funding only for the days a student is in attendance. Students are encouraged to attend every day that JM is in session and to arrange for trips and other avoidable absences during non-school days. Students who are sick, however, need to stay home to prevent infecting their classmates. It is up to the teacher’s discretion whether or not to allow make-up work missed for a non-sick day.
When you are absent from school it is imperative that the parent call the school attendance line (377-4216) or email the day of the absence before 9:00 a.m.
Any student who is absent from school or has been sent home from school due to any form of illness may not attend any after school or evening activity that day.
Please make every effort to arrive at school on time. The final tardy bell rings at 8:25 a.m., at which time all students are expected to be in class.
Any student not in class by 8:30 a.m. must sign in to the office.
Students needing to leave school early for any reason are to bring a note from home. This note must contain the exact time and reason for leaving. It must be presented to the office before school begins. It is also acceptable to call the attendance line at 377-4216 or email the day of the appointment before 9:00 a.m.
Students who leave without checking out are considered truant.
Whenever possible, please arrange for appointments during non-school hours.
When leaving school, sign out in the main office. Students returning the same day must sign in and obtain an admit slip.
“Any pupil subject to compulsory fulltime education or to compulsory continuation who is absent from school without valid excuse more than three days in one school year is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district” per California Education Code, Section 48260-63.
Efforts will be made to correct behaviors that may lead to truancy such as tardiness or being absent from assigned school activities. This may include: referral to support personnel, detention, school attendance hearing, or daily attendance check and report to parent.
All tardies are unexcused, except for the limited exceptions allowable under state law (CAT Title 5 420). Parents are required to write and sign a note if their child is late to school.
After a student’s third tardy to class, teachers and/or administration may contact a parent/guardian so that future tardies can be avoided. Should tardies persist, other consequences may include detentions, loss of activity privilege, a class-to-class escort or even class exclusion with loss of credit.
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