Bell & Daily Class Schedule

On Minimum Days: All students arrive at 8:30 am
All students dismiss at 12:20 pm
The Minimum Days for the 2024-25 school year are:
1st Period
8:30 AM |
8:58 AM
2nd Period |
9:02 AM
9:30 AM
3rd Period |
9:34 AM
10:02 AM
4th Period |
10:06 AM
10:34 AM
Break |
10:34 AM
10:44 AM
5th Period |
10:48 AM
11:16 AM
6th Period |
11:20 AM
11:48 PM
7th Period |
11:52 PM
12:20 PM
Block Schedule - JM classes occur on a weekly block schedule. Mondays and Thursdays are ODD period days. Tuesdays and Fridays are EVEN period days with an extra Academy period where students enroll in a variety of enrichment opportunities. Wednesday is the ANCHOR DAY, where students attend all 7 classes. The Anchor Day may shift or repeat in a given week due to holidays or special circumstances, such as the first day of school. Please click on the schedule for details.
6th Grade - Student classes include Core (includes 2 periods of English language arts and 1 period of Social Studies with the same teacher); PE; Wheel; Math and science. Students participating in the Wheel rotate through a series of electives (music, art, computers, foods and discovery learning) during the school year. Students choosing music (band or chorus), English language learner students and special education students attend one period of music, ELL, etc. in place of the Wheel elective.
7th Grade - Most students have the following classes: PE, science, math, one period of English language arts, social studies and two electives.
8th Grade - Most students have the following classes: PE, science, math, one period of English language arts, social studies and two electives.