Boys Basketball
Registration Info 2024-25
Registration Info 2024-25![]()
Registration Info 2024-25
Boys Basketball will be offered to 6th, 7th and 8th grade A level teams only. The season starts after winter break but tryouts are before winter break.
Registration packets will be distribued by Judy after the tryouts. We will not take payments until after tryouts as basketball is a cut sport...
Season January(right after Winter break) thru end of February. Tournaments are usually the last week of February during the week.
2nd Tryout Information
Tuesday December 17
7th grade 3pm-4pm
8th grade 4pm-5pm
Please send me an email at to let me know if your son will be there. Be sure to use the subject JM BASKETBALL SECOND TRYOUT, so it doesn’t get lost in email volume. This also allows me to capture your email for follow-up.
We will only have one team in each age group, as our league no longer offers much competition for B level games. Therefore, it is important that every boy selected for the A team is fully committed to playing all games in January and February. If your son is planning to play Baseball or any other activity that would inhibit them playing the full, January and February season, PLEASE DO NOT HAVE YOUR SON ATTEND THE NEXT EVALUATION. We want to limit the team to boys available to play and practice both months. So, let’s reduce the group to those who can make a full commitment to the season. Of course, there may be illness or doctor’s appointments that come up, but we don’t want a player with divided loyalty to MBA or any other regular conflict.
6th Grade Information-NEW
Please fill out this form to get on the evaluation list-
2 Evaluations Wednesday 12/18 and Thursday 12/19 3pm-4pm in the gym. Please have students attend both evaluations
Coach Darryl Utter will be managing both 7A and 8A teams this year. Bob Shipway will be managing 6th grade.
Games mainly T/Th at JM and other schools-Stanley, OIS, Martinez, Walnut Creek and Benicia mainly-some may be in Berkeley as well. Schools are having triple header games so expect 6th grade at 4pm, 7th grade at 5pm and 8th grade at 6pm. This is not guaranteed, so players must be available anytime scheduled on game days.